Oh well..
So, do we have to frequently write on this blog? I hope not, because I do have my own blogs. I think I’ll be writing on them more often.
I’ll just make a short introduction about myself.
My name is Keisha Carynda Apremahirsty. You can call me Keisha. I am a new student of year 2013 majoring in Psychology. I’ve been an active blogger since the early start of 2009.
if you’d like to check out my blogs, here are the links:
http://freakysystem.blogspot.com (primary blog)
http://keishacaryndaaa.tumblr.com (photo blog)
http://darkerthanever.wordpress.com (occasionally)
http://apremahirsty.livejournal.com (rarely used)
If you wanna know more about me, also read the “About” page.
I think that’s it for my first post, your comment will make my day. Thanks for reading.