Q: What do we call you?
A: Keisha, please 🙂
Q: What is this Binusian Blog for?
A: Oh, it’s a place for every BiNusian to share their thoughts or stories etc with other people.
Q: So, you’re one of the BiNusian then? What major are you taking?
A: Psychology
Q: What is your first thought or testimonial of Bina Nusantara University?
A: It takes me hours to go there from home
Q: Hahaha. Besides that it is far, so there’s a traffic jam problem right?
A: That’s how you live in Jakarta. Face it!
Q: Well, do you have an interest?
A: Who doesn’t?! I like anything that related to arts, languages, sports, entertainment & gaming, and also human.
Q: Hmm arts?! Can you draw then? or sing? or play instruments? or dance? or act?
A: I draw. Able to sing. Not that good at dancing. Can’t play any instruments but would like to study Drums. Never tried acting. but it’s funny how my biggest obsession is to be an actress of Hollywood haha!
Q: You’re a bit weird you know?!
A: Yes I know, you are the 86947455th person who say that.
Q: What sports can you do?
A: I’m good at basketball and swimming. I do badminton and cycling at home. I also love to play roller blade. And I’m trying to do softball 🙂 It’s just suck that I’m not getting any taller!
Q: Well, pray harder then!
A: Everyday…
Q: What are your daily activities?
A: ummm, you know.. I do what most of people do. Eating, sleeping, walking, running, breathing, sometimes just sitting on a bench looking at the view, watching TV/ DVDs/ Formula 1/ sometimes soccer match, listening to my music collection in PC since my tape is broken, drawing comic characters or what’s known as manga, talking to people, texting by phone, and the last one is like the biggest thing I thank God to have created it to kill my boredom: INTERNET! I do anything with it.. chatting, download thousands of photos, songs, videos, games, whatever, blogging, stalking people on several social-networking, status-updating on twitter and stuffs (which is actually not necessary but undeniably addictive!), so much more.. I gotta stop, If I keep telling you everything it’ll take forever to finish!
Q: Okay okay! So, ummm, do you find that movies are interesting?
A: Are you kidding me? Of course I do! I watch all types of movies like thriller, action, comedy, drama, horror but SCIENCE-FICTION is the best. Star Wars, Star Trek, Narnia, LOTR, X-Men, Harry Potter and so many others. I’ll be very happy to share and discuss it with people, cuz I’m kinda addicted to them hehe
Q: Do you watch movies from your own country?
A: He? No… I don’t like them. Especially on what you called SINETRON, I HATE it, you know! LAME! It causes brain damage. No wonder why most of Indonesian people are stuck in a sort of stupidity. Never meant to offend you, Sinetron fans, but I think you just have to stop watching it.
Q: What about music? What are you listening to?
Q: Hmm what do you think of bands like Peterpan, Ungu, ST 12 and any other similar artist?
A: YUCK! And did you just call them “artist”? Come on man, get a life!
Q: Your answers are insulting…
A: I know, I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to, just trying to share my opinion.
Q: Okay. When’s your birthday?
A: December 20th, 1991. I’m a premature-born actually.
Q: Oh, really? So, if you were born on time, it would’ve been 1992?
A: Yes. I just couldn’t wait to see the world, so I’m rushing out of my mom’s tummy :p
Q: What’s your favorite color?
A: Black and Red. All is fine, but they’re both the best!
Q: Last question. Can you give your e-mail address so that people can contact you?
A: sure, just send me e-mails to kcplusaa@gmail.com
Q: Thanks for sharing with us. Is there any words or messages for the people, reader and fans (“fans”????????) ?
A: yes. May the Force be with you all. Live long and prosper!